My boyfriend's birthday is in a couple of weeks, and I'm tearing my hair out trying to think of something to get him that he'll actually really like. The problem is that he's really not very materialistic, so whenever I ask him what he'd like for a gift, he can never think of anything. We've been together for three and a half years, which means three birthdays and three Christmases have gone by and I've never knocked it out of the park. He's always been grateful and appreciative, but he's never been blown away by any of my gifts. The other day he said he bought my first Christmas present, which is making me even more determined to get him something good!Some stuff about him:He's going to be 35, I'm 33, and as I said, we've been together 3.5yrs. We live together in a house we own, with no garden, and we don't have children or pets. We're in the UK, so anything that would need to be delivered would need to either be in the UK or be able to get to the UK in the next two weeks. I'm probably looking at spending around £150, either on one big gift or a few smaller ones.He tends to spend most of his free time doing one of the following: working out, playing Magic: The Gathering, or playing video games (he has a PS4, Switch and 3DS). He only listens to music on his commute, via Spotify on his phone (so no point buying him a CD or anything), and already has a good pair of headphones.When we're spending time together, we tend to do one of the following: watch TV/movies, play co-op video games together, play board games/card games, or just generally hang out and chat. We don't go out too much because I've been getting over an illness.The only things he buys for himself regularly are video games and MTG cards. However, he prefers digital downloads of games, which means I wouldn't really have anything to physically hand to him, and I wouldn't have the first idea of which MTG cards he needs, because he's always changing his mind and putting new decks together.He's just recently bought himself a load of new clothes (for both work and leisure) because he had a gift card from his mum from a previous birthday that was about to run out. It is literally the first time since we've been going out that I've seen him spend money on clothes (apart from some shorts before a holiday, and even then he just bought three identical pairs off a sale rack), so in theory he won't need any more new clothes for at least another three years. Grrr.He learnt to drive this year, but doesn't do it very much alone (he commutes on public transport).He's not really into cooking, but he loves sandwiches. He'd eat nothing but sandwiches for the rest of his life if I'd let him. He drinks a lot of peppermint tea, and enjoys good coffee but very rarely drinks it, because he reacts badly to too much caffeine.He likes sports in general, doesn't really follow any particular sports team, but he enjoys MMA (mixed martial arts). UFC is probably the only sport he watches regularly.He isn't too much of a reader - he has a Kindle, but the only time he really reads a lot is when we're on holiday.He has a very silly sense of humour, and loves anything to do with dogs, elephants or toucans (yep, toucans).His drink is whiskey, but I bought him a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue last Christmas, so I'll probably struggle to top that to be honest. He isn't really too much of a drinker as a general rule, he usually just has a couple of glasses on a Saturday night.Past gifts I've bought him include t-shirts with funny stuff on them, a mug, a new 3DS, Lego, and fluffy socks (the one gift he actually dug - he always gets cold feet and one day found an old pair of fluffy socks of mine that I haven't worn in years, and adopted them, so for Christmas that year I bought him four pairs of his own with non-slip stuff on the bottom so he could wear them as slippers). I also took him on a murder mystery train ride once, which he actually loved, but I don't know if I'd be able to do this this year.Help! Any ideas leaping out to anyone? I feel like I'm too close to it - I just keep staring hopefully at Amazon hoping it'll suddenly generate a list called "Gift Ideas For [Boyfriend's Name]". Thank you in advance! via /r/Gifts