Wednesday, July 1, 2020

#gifts - #Men of Reddit, what is your opinion on cheesy gifts from your SO? (Links included)

He just started a new job and because of our conflicting schedules we have been spending less time together. He is worried that because of it we’ll grow apart and I’ll end up breaking it off with him. Im trying to show him that I love him, even when I cannot be with him. Would getting him either of these “gifts” be appreciated or thought of as tacky? All opinions are appreciated :)infmetry capsulekey chainNote: my boyfriend (19) has anxiety and is seeing someone to help him deal with it but I would like to do the most I can to ease any relationship anxieties he is having. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Looking to send each of my 3 friends (F 26) a small gift just to say hi and cheer them up. $15 budget each. Any ideas?

I have 3 close girlfriends from college and I’ve been thinking of sending them each like a little succulent or cute notebook or something to say hi and send some love. These girls are awesome and I’d love to bring a smile to their facesI was originally thinking of getting them all the same thing (like: each gets a different succulent or each gets a notebook with a different cover or little planters) but I’m not sure where to find something like that? Just like amazon maybe? I kinda want it to be unique too.For background: - they are all artisty (illustrators, graphic designers) - nerdy (video games, some anime) - 2 of them like tea but idk what kinds - 2 have cats - all pretty girly - all have boyfriends - all like plantsI could also ask their bfs to find out if they’ve been wanting something but I’m trying to keep it secretAny ideas/resources are appreciated! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Birthday gift for boyfriend?

My boyfriend is kind of tricky to buy for. He’s to type to really buy whatever he needs so it’s kind of difficult to think of things he wouldn’t get himself. I’d just like some suggestions. Also, I’d prefer it not too be too expensive since he did say I didn’t need to get him anything or spend on him.He likes: hiking, travel, photography, cooking via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Acrylic pet paintings on canvas via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #gifts

Would you buy this as a gift for someone or for yourself?LOL funny! these socks are so cool Poll via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Rotatable Cylinder and Cube Photo Lamps - 3D Printed Lithophane Lamps via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What's the hardest thing about gifting?

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