Thursday, April 18, 2019

#gifts - #Wholesale Custom Aluminum Alloy Keychain Souvenir Map Keyrings via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Ordered a handkerchief as a gift for my goddaughter for her baptism but made a mistake of making the cross white. Is there a way to put some color into it such as coloring it with fabric marker? Or leave as it is? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #13th Birthday gift ideas

Hi, I was trying to think of a birthday gift for a 13 year old that would be sentimental later in his life and I was lost for ideas. Any help is awesome, thanks. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #To my Potterhead lab partner for her birthday 🤞🏻.. Classic, but, crafting it was so fun, even though I'm absolutely horrible at it.. Muggles Magic's video on Youtube was so helpful.. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What do you think about wooden bow ties as a gift idea? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Mothers day gift ideas!

looking for a neat gift idea for my wife for her 2nd mothers day. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Sick girlfriend going to be in hospital for 2 weeks. What gifts or things can I do for her to make sure she isnt lonely, besides just being there for her?

Hey, its my first time posting I think I followed all the rules. Anyway, the title kind of says most of it. Im going to make sure she isnt alone any chance I get and am really looking for gift ideas along with things we can do together and she can do alone so she doesnt get too bored in there. Please leave me any suggestions you can think of, Im honestly not the best gifter via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Looking for a gift for my friend (young single mom).

Hello. I have a friend that has a son with disabilities. He requires 24/7 care and attention. She's a young single mom. She mentioned she hasn't had a day to herself in a while. I wanted to take her to a nail salon but she doesn't have anyone to watch her son for about 3 hrs. Any ideas of what I could give to her? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift Idea for a Redditor (39M)

This redditor is also my brother. He is a software engineer, likes computer and board games and weed. No kids, 3 tiny dogs. He likes being nostalgic about the 80s and 90s. We tend to get each other fun/funny/unique gifts (he once ordered a taxidermied duckling business card holder from England for me) but I’m fresh out of ideas. I feel like every year I get him something related to our hometown baseball or football team as he’s also a big fan or a graphic T-shirt. Don’t want to repeat it again.Looking for something more interesting that’d he’d appreciate. And make me better than my older sister who always wins the present war. Budget around $30ish. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What light accessory should I buy for my BFs Truck as a gift?

Coming up is my BF's birthday. This will be the first BDay of his we celebrate together and I like to get him a practical and thoughtful gift.He does construction, farm, plowing, outdoor rough and tumble work and Id like to get him an extra light for his 2008 F350 Ford Super Duty Truck that he could use when working late.So competent and Manly Men of Reddit, if you could attach an extra light to your truck for night time work - what light would you want? A spotlight? Grill lights? A light that points to the rear of the truck? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Unique pendant with a rare, purple Labradorite. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #My amazing boyfriend has been supportive throughout my financial instability. Since the problem is my lack of funds, I’m looking for suggestions for a gift to give him at little to no cost to show my undying appreciation

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