My brother is the hardest person in my life to shop for. He has down syndrome, which is important for context since he's very routine oriented, so getting him anything new can throw that off. Often he just won't use new things. For example, Christmas 2-3 years ago, he specifically asked for a new phone case. I got him one and he has not used it to this day.He really only has a couple things he enjoys, which are listening to music and food. Both of those are tricky though.He's been listening to the same dozen CDs since he was about 12 (he's 21 now), and has been using the same CD player as well, despite being gifted plenty of new CDs and options for playing (including an IPod, back when those were big, that he literally never used).He is enthusiastic about food, and enjoys eating, but really struggles with his weight, so as a family we try and avoid giving him food as gifts. Food themed items are okay, but nothing that he can actually eat.The gift I got him last year was a backpack with a pepperoni pizza print, and he actually uses it so that's a fantastic success. It was complete luck that I came across that though, and I have absolutely no ideas of what to get him this year.I would love any feedback about food or music themed items, or suggestions that tie those in. Basically I'm open to any ideas because I have absolutely none of my own. via /r/Gifts