Sunday, April 5, 2020

#gifts - #Custom Mosaic Portrait of Pet! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Need a gift for a frontline COVID-19 worker. Aka my best friend :)

I was thinking something cozy like a crew neck sweatshirt with a funny saying. Any thoughts are appreciated. I checked in on her recently and get the feeling that she’s NOT into joking about COVID-19, so please no suggestions in that realm.All suggestions appreciated! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Custom Skateboards. It could be used to ride or just for art. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Need a gift for a good friend

I'm going to move across the world soon and I want to get a really good friend a gift which she is going to remember me by and she will love. I'm unsure as to what I should get her. I want it to be a unique gift but something that she will like. She likes things like dancing, beauty and clothes. She is funny, caring and nice. Would really appreciate some help :) via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Шар Из Маршмеллоу / Marshmallow Ball via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #I make these custom aluminum bracelets and decided to run a sale on them. Send one to a friend today, printed on both sides for only $10 (and free shipping). Message us for more info or bulk pricing. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #[OFFER] Make a King/Queen portrait for your pet . 10$ Paypal

Have a Custom Renaissance Pet Painting Portrait from photo. The perfect gift to give to yourself and everyone you care about.How does it work?Message me Send photoI make the restThe photo must be:- High-Resolution- Full head, without cropped/hidden parts- Shot in normal light condition- Without blurI also offer this service for People.My Portfolio: for other 5 USD:I'm going to make for you this happy birthday to send as a gift to friends or family!Perfect for social mediaExample: via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Help me make my boyfriends birthday a bit more interesting!

Not sure if this is allowed. I'm making my partner a video birthday card for his birthday. He's had a really rough year after losing his brother.Due to lockdown we can't do anything social for obvious reasons, however, I thought if anyone would be interested in sending me a clip of themselves saying "happy birthday from (city)" I'd really appreciate that. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift idea for mountain lovers via /r/Gifts