Thursday, June 4, 2020

#gifts - #Custom Hand Assembled Wood Maps of Anywhere...DM me via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Made a digital flyer. PM me if you are interested! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What is a good gift to give a family after you’ve been staying in their home for a while?

What is a good gift to give a family after you’ve been staying in their home for a while?liberal, caucasian couple in the midwest, both went to law school, with 13 year old female. Something that’s heartful and thoughtful and considerate to allowing me to stay in their home and giving me shelter. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What should I get in remembrance to a family friend?

20 y/o mRecently a family friend passed away.She left me $200 in her will as a thank you for always bringing my dog to the hospital and visiting with her. She always loved dogs, even when ridden with dementia she could somehow remember my dogs name and her face lit up in joy when she saw her tail wagging as we walked through the door.My mother suggested I buy something with it that I would always remember her by. Maybe a nice fountain pen or cuff links. The problem is I have a beautiful fountain pen already and many pairs of cuff links, not that I can’t buy another one but I’d like something that I don’t have already.Any suggestions? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Family portraits -$30. PM me. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift help for boyfriend for 1 year of his dad’s death?

My boyfriend’s (28m) father passed away almost 1 year ago. They were very close so it was a tough loss for my boyfriend. For the 1 year of his passing, I wanted to get my boyfriend a thoughtful gift to honor his dad. Any ideas? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Pet portraits! ~$30, shippable ☀️ via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Cybertruck 3D Graphic Design T-Shirt via /r/Gifts