I need help. One of my best friends travels a lot and I have no idea what to get her, I mean what do you get the person who travels the world? I was thinking of one of those new Polaroid cameras but I’m not sure if she’ll like it. Please help! via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a85vi6/for_my_best_friend_that_travels_a_lot/?utm_source=ifttt
Thursday, December 20, 2018
#gifts - #For my best friend that travels a lot.
#gifts - #Gifting someone you’ve never met before; what to include?
My boyfriend informed me that his mother (who lives 10 hours away and I’ve never met) got me something for Christmas. After overthinking what to get her for a few days, I finally put together a gift for her. I won’t be able to give it to her directly since I’ll be out of town visiting family while she’s here. Now I’m overthinking about maybe adding a card to the gift/package with a little note in it wishing her a Merry Christmas and how I’m looking forward to meeting her(?). Have you ever gifted something to someone you’ve never met before and how did you go about it? via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a86gxp/gifting_someone_youve_never_met_before_what_to/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #My best friend was promoted to a software engineer
My friend (F) is now 25 and was recently promoted to a software engineer after working her ass off for 4 years. We’ve been friends since high school and went to the same college. We’ve really grown through thick and thin and she’s probably the one person who understands me best. She would always craft me holiday cards and buy me small doodads on the side. I guess I’m a shitty friend because I have no clue what to get her as a congratulations/thanks for being my friend gift. She never asks for anything EVER.She’s really quirky, loves arts and crafts, is into self help motivational books, likes cute key chain related items, but I’d like some ideas to show her I truly appreciate her and want to wish her the best. Any ideas from you guys and gals out there?! via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a85hmv/my_best_friend_was_promoted_to_a_software_engineer/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #Giving the same gift the following year?
Last year, I got my parents a gift card to a super nice dinner spot in town, because they gave me no ideas. They would tell me that the dinner they had there was the most amazing in a long time. This year, it is the same thing. No ideas, but I was thinking of giving them another date night there. Help! via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a84x5l/giving_the_same_gift_the_following_year/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #One of our members has collected a list of 14 toys for young girls that may give some of you ideas.
https://shopopotamus.com/lists/popular-toys-for-young-girls via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a83ua8/one_of_our_members_has_collected_a_list_of_14/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #Anyone know where i can get a sonic hedgehog plushie in store
i need it by tomorrow! via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a84etd/anyone_know_where_i_can_get_a_sonic_hedgehog/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #HELP, where to buy soap for soap cutting?
I have a friend who is really into soap cutting, and for chritsmas, I want to get her some of that soap they use in the vids. The one that has the little cubes that fall apart when they are being cut. I've searched online but couldn't really find anything, but then again I'm not sure what exactly to search for. If anybody knows where I can buy such soap please let me know, it'd be really appreciated. via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a845bb/help_where_to_buy_soap_for_soap_cutting/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #Need Gift Suggestion - Dad - He loves tech and smart everything. He also is kinda well off and has bought all the obvious choices for himself. I was wondering if anyone might have ideas for him.
The house has smart lights, alexas everywhere, smart tvs, smart thermostat, cameras watching the doors, Alexas telling him when people come to the driveway or front door, wifi surround sound living room, and more. So he loves this stuff, but I feel like he has it all. Anyone have something obscure that he might not have? via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a82g3n/need_gift_suggestion_dad_he_loves_tech_and_smart/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #Would this be a terrible present?
A guy I met wants me to get him something funny for Christmas. I think that getting him a fortnite t-shirt would be funny. Is it a good idea?Note; he games but he doesn't play fortnite but it's a meme we have going on, and I have no idea what I can get him that is funny apart from that.... via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a82wde/would_this_be_a_terrible_present/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #Nerd/Geek culture gifts that aren’t so tacky?
I know several people I have to shop for that are nerdy and we all like stuff like anime, video games, nerdy movies and tv shows, marvel & dc, etc... But we’re getting to be in our 20s and “geek” merchandise is ridiculously tacky in my opinion. Ive looked in stores like hot topic and think geek for ideas but it’s all a bunch of tacky shirts with the same prints of characters you see on everything and big tacky mugs and bags covered in bright logos— it all just looks very cheap and childish (just my opinion). Where can I find gifts like this that are more subtle? It doesn’t really have to be boring, I’m just tired of the loud, mass produced stuff I find every year. via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a81x2r/nerdgeek_culture_gifts_that_arent_so_tacky/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #Laptop bag
Does anyone know of a geeky but professional laptop bag ? Like maybe something that’s nice on the outside but then lined with space fabric on the inside for example ... via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a807nv/laptop_bag/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #What should I (20f) get my boyfriend (20m) for Christmas when I’m on a strict budget?
I’d really appreciate anyone’s input!! I am on a strict budget ( can probably spend 30$) and am at a loss what I should get my boyfriend for the holidays!He hates reading so my initial idea to get him a couple cool books is out of the question but he like guitar, Buddhism stuff, and drawing.TL;DR At a loss on what I should get my boyfriend for Christmas via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a81014/what_should_i_20f_get_my_boyfriend_20m_for/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #10 Great Gift Ideas For Hikers And Those Who Enjoy The Outdoors
https://myeasygifter.com/hobby/10-great-gifts-for-hikers-2018/ via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a7ztgq/10_great_gift_ideas_for_hikers_and_those_who/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #Market you stuff here
I started a reddit to market your stuff. It’s marketyourstuffhere, search it and go crazy. via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a7z9qm/market_you_stuff_here/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #The BF and I are illustrators and we made a 7 famillies card game for our families
https://i.redd.it/h9lgtpmkzf521.jpg via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a7ydsq/the_bf_and_i_are_illustrators_and_we_made_a_7/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #What do I get for the most selfless person I know?
My great aunt is in her 70s and has always been incredibly selfless and giving. She is not wealthy, but a very dedicated saver. Every time she catches wind of me going on a trip she sends a thoughtful card and a generous amount of money to “treat myself” as she usually writes.She lived with her sister but has trouble getting around like she used to, so I only get to see her about once per year at Christmas because she lives very far away. I always have trouble figuring out what to get her. I don’t make a lot of money and I have about 10 family members to buy for. Realistically I can only spend about $25 on each person. Because she does not want for anything she is hard to shop for. Anything expensive and she will look confused. Her taste in clothes is very particular, so I hesitate to try lest she be disappointed. She doesn’t want more trinkets, and she is not a movie or book person. The only time she gets to see photos of me is when my cousin who lives in her state gets to show her Facebook. Last year I got her a photo and a really nice frame since we don’t print photos anymore. She loved it! Almost cried. But, my mom and grandma were hurt they didn’t get pictures too, and ended up guilting me into giving them copies right after Christmas, but not of the frame.I’d like to give her something to supplement another photo this year, but since she literally does not want anything I don’t know where to start. Any ideas? via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a7yhgd/what_do_i_get_for_the_most_selfless_person_i_know/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #Holiday Gift for Grandma who has recently lost her Husband
My Grandma is spending xmas with us this year so I thought I'd lighten her spirits!She is 93 years old enjoys nature and gardening. She likes all kinds of flowers and is amused by bird feeders and such. Maybe a bonsai tree or something, huh?She lives alone so naturally cooks a lot, I don't think she likes or dislikes cooking so something that could make the ordeal more convenient might be an option.I really don't know her all too well, she was almost defined by running around for her husband so it's a little heartbreaking. I was thinking of getting her one of those DNA kits that allows you to learn about your ancestors but I'm not sure whether she'd find it interesting, the rest of the family certainly would though!Open Budget, any ideas are appreciated, happy holidays :) via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a7xvlg/holiday_gift_for_grandma_who_has_recently_lost/?utm_source=ifttt
#gifts - #Science B*tch!
https://imgur.com/gallery/JAbsLDL via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/a7y29g/science_btch/?utm_source=ifttt
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