My BF and I are having our 5th anniversary in October and I’ve gotten him basically all of the gifts I can think of for past birthdays, christmases, valentines, and anniversaries. This year I’m trying to throw together a 5 senses gift, a small gift for each sense. Not looking for sexual things, just sweet ones! He loves nature, animals, and video games and really isn’t materialistic at all, so diy stuff is good too. I’ve already got ideas for taste and sight, so I need help with touch (non-sexual, again), hearing, and smell. Problem with those though is:Hearing - he already has some pretty great headphones, I’ve already made a mixtape of love and normal songs before, and he doesn’t like anyone that we would be able to go see a concert for. Touch - I’m just a little stumped on something of an object for this, obviously a back rub or something could be good but I’m trying to stick to physical objects since we’re already doing activities for our date. I’ve already given him scarves before and he doesn’t wear hats or gloves Smell - this is the one I’m truly stumped on. Should be the easiest, but he has a super bad aversion to strong smells in candles, lotions, colognes, etc. He has a medical issue and super strong smells can actually make him pass out! So I need some ideas for really subtle things. Worst comes to worst, I’ll get him some good deodorant. He always buys the cheap stuff and talks about getting some good ones eventually, lol. via /r/Gifts