As stated in the title, my (29) wife (29) is pregnant with our first child and is due on May 13th, the day after Mother's Day. Our wedding anniversary follows soon after, May 25th. This will be our sixth anniversary. We usually make a point to do experiential gifts for birthdays/anniversaries whenever possible, but with her on the mend from giving birth, I feel that may not work this year. In light of that...How would you approach Mother's Day, or what would be a special gift I could do to recognize her as a brand new mom, whether or not she gives birth by the actual date?Is two-three weeks too soon to give a "do something" type of gift to her for our anniversary, or would she appreciate something like a staycation at a local resort? Would it be feasible to be away from the baby for a couple days that soon after birth? We have family that I know would be more than happy to have the little guy for a couple days, if asked, so that's not an issue. I'm worried more about whether she'd have time to pump enough for that length of time. I have very little concept of what is expectable/normal in regards to pumping, and also how much a newborn even consumes.Any advice or personal anecdotes about something similar would be much appreciated. via /r/Gifts