Sunday, February 17, 2019

#gifts - #Engraved a phone case to gift it to someone. Does it look bad? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #2 year anniversary ideas

Me and my girlfriend will meet the 2 year mark mid March. I would like to give a gift that is thoughtful and sweet. I would rather avoid just ordering a common, basic product online as the gift. I would like to create/ design a sentimental gift that would really make her smile and happy while she has it at home with her. I do not mind spending money on parts/tools/designs for what I need to accomplish. Any and all thoughts are appreciated. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift idea to connect new baby with Grandma that has already passed?

My friend just had her second child and her mother will never know him. Any unique ideas on a gift to connect them somehow? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What is the best way to make a 'customary' gift to a girl?

As a bit of context, there will soon be a national celebration/custom in my country which involves men offering a women small gift which can usually be attached to clothing. The men usually know the women (as opposed to offering the gifts to random women).Long story short, there is this girl which I like and I was going to buy one of these gifts for her, but wasn't sure what is the best way of giving it to her. I mean I know where she works (hairdresser) and was thinking about just going unannounced but wasn't sure if I should call before to make sure she is not busy with a client. She knows me too as I am one of her clients, but we only talk a bit when I'm there.I am aware that the question might seem a little bit stupid, but the shy part of me lead me to posting this. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Is a weighted blanket a good idea?

My gf has anxiety and sometimes has panic attacks at night, I've heard of weighted blankets, but I'm afraid it would only be a slight improve to her sleep time/quality via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Handmade kaftan via /r/Gifts