Wednesday, June 12, 2019

#gifts - #Strength; Drive

Hi everyone, I am an outpatient physical therapist and I have a patient that I have been seeing 2x a week since October that suffered 3 strokes. He was told that what he did not have back in 2 years he would never get back. When he started with me in PT, it had already been almost 2 full years and he is still making gains each week! I am sooooo proud of his progress. Each visit he comes in with his wife who has the best heart, such a sweet couple. He was only able to walk with a hemi walker short distances and now we are walking with a quad cane and I am just standing by and he is able to walk 160' prior to fatigue. He is now able to negotiate stairs as well, able to lift the right leg using mainly hip musculature. His right hand is deformed at this point but I am starting to work with dynamic motions and passively he has the range so hoping with the use of electrical stimulation and some hard homework we can maybe get something back there. Anyway, with father's day coming up, I really wanted to get him something to say "you are strong/you have what it takes/you have achieved beyond what others expected" type of gift. I think this would motivate him to keep moving forward and it would be nice for him to have for when we aren't seeing each other anymore. He loves coffee, the yankees, reading - politics/history/biographies/the way things work/mechanics, riding his bike at home....Thanks for any ideas! <3 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #How to travel with your fur ball via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Need to impress newly-engageds

Hi everyone, first time posting in this sub and on mobile so sorry if anything’s off. Last minute I’ve been invited to a gathering celebrating the newish engagement of friends. Part of my problem is that they’re extremely well off and are probably going to forget about or throw out this ~insignificant middle class~ gift anyway, especially since it isn’t a wedding gift. However, you never show up empty handed.I 100% want to let it be known these friends aren’t snobs, in fact they did the proper and polite “please don’t bring anything” dance. I just don’t want to look like an idiot/make it embarrassingly known I can’t afford a great present. I was thinking of just going with flowers but it won’t be hosted at their home so something easier to transport is preferable. Any ideas appreciated! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #[For Hire] Digital Drawings Of Your Pet- Perfect Gift For Father's Day-starting at $40 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Make dad smell good this Father's Day with some sexy colognes! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #[Meta] Looking for a couple more mods for this subreddit. Note: applications from anyone who doesn't read the numbered list do not count

Have YOU ever want to clean spam up for reddit, inc.? Well, do I have an offer for you! For a limited time only, you, yes YOU can sign up TODAY to clean up spam and remove rulebreaking comments! But WAIT, there's more! If you sign up RIGHT now, YOU TOO would get the EXCLUSIVE ability to make your name green, in threads where you are removing stuff please refrain from doing so elsewhere.How much would YOU pay to work for reddit, inc.? $25? $250? The mods of /r/IAMA pay $50/month to be on the team but if you sign up while applications are open, I will waive this fee and allow you to do the stuff reddit, inc. pays admins to do ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE!!!!!! That's right, you won't have to spend a PENNY to be on this modteam.Ready to join? Well, of course you are! Please read this below numbered list and reply after you have read it in its entirety to apply:Mods on this team are expected to do the following:Mark spam as spam (no distinguished comment needed).1.a. (optional) add the spammer to automod's shadowban list and report them to /r/reddit.comRemove rulebreaking submissions (all other removals should be followed by a distinguished comment stating the rule broken).2.a. The modqueue is a bit long (hence this post). Please don't batch-remove/approve anything there; if something is archived and needs removal, send a private message about it as "/r/gifts" to the OP with the rule broken. Also, when applying/replying to this thread, put the word "clean" somewhere in your reply; this would signify in a compact form that you've read and agree to everything here in this list.Don't use distinguished comments for anything that doesn't have to do with moderation.Don't break any sidebar/reddit rules yourself.Contribute at least 1 mod action a month to the moderation effort (remove/approve something that needs it and/or participate in modmail).Be OK with making major (e.g. rule changes) or controversial moderation decisions democratically and give ~a week for votes.Be OK with being removed from the modlist if you don't do the above.Have an account that has more than a handful of submissions/comments and is older than, like, a month or two. Having rule-abiding comment/submission history in this sub would obviously be preferable, it would be nice if you could let me know that you do in your reply. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Boyfriend’s birthday is coming up and I’d like some suggestions or advice

He loves making music and working out and I’ve been toying with the idea of getting him a new guitar. The only issue is is that he definitely already has a guitar and I’m not sure if he would want another one? I was also thinking about some sweat resistant headphones for when he does his workouts. I want to get him something thoughtful or meaningful and not something generic like giftcards via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Friend starting medical school

Hi friends! Like the title says one of my close friends is starting medical something and I want to send him something! I don’t know what though. Any ideas for some good gifts? Something thoughtful and maybe even for his first day. Thanks!! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Father's Day gift

I only have $25 at the moment any ideas on what i should give my dad? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Looking for unique and heartfelt gifts for 3rd anniversary with girlfriend (19)

I wanna get/make my girlfriend something for our 3rd anniversary that’s super unique and special but I’m struggling to think of ideas. Any suggestions? via /r/Gifts