Sunday, September 13, 2020

#gifts - #Mr Chips ring, good idea or bad idea?

Dear internet,My girlfriends birthday is coming up. On our very first date we got hot chips and went for a walk around my hometown. I held on to our order number as I had a good feeling about the girl and thought it would make a cool memento of our first date. I thought it would be cool to design her a ring with the order number on it. Would women like this as a gift? Or would it just be weird to have a ring with 'Mr Chips' on it? Please internet do your thing and help a slightly clueless man.Much love,Man on computerView Poll via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Men’s diamond bracelets

Hey guys where can I buy a nice diamond bracelet for my boyfriend? Preferably online via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #an app for family gift exchange

(apologies if I'm in the wrong sub)I find it hard to know what to get my family for Christmas/birthdays, so I built them an app to create and share gift lists among ourselves.With a few tweaks, it could be possible for other people to use it also... so I was just wondering if other people would find something like this useful? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Goddess Art Print via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #temari ball that i made. more info and shop in a comments. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #does anyone else purposely get the wrong card for people's birthdays, or is it just me?

for example, it's my friend's 19th b-day and I got them a card for a 1-year-old boy because I think its really funny, does anyone else do this or am i weird? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Some Amazing Drones On This List, they make a great gift idea for kids, especially the first one. The DJI Tello is fun to fly and kids can tell the drone how to fly through simple drag and drop code via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift ideas for a sister who has gone above and beyond?

I (39m) am heading up to celebrate my sister's (36f) birthday in a few weeks and I'm looking for a great gift for her. About a year ago, our mother passed away and she and I snapped at each other a lot during our mother's decline (my sis is a good person, but often prickly). She was the executor of the estate this time around and did an amazing job. Quick and efficient, which I know from experience can be a tough task. So, I want to get her a really good gift for her birthday as part of us mending fences. I'm thinking somewhere between $200-$500.A bit about her. She is married (~10 years I think?) and an adorable kid (4m). She is a senior marketing executive at a tech company. Reasonably fit, but not into fitness too much. Watches maybe one episode of television a week and doesn't play any video games. She is finishing up building a new house to move the family into (a couple of months out). She is good on furniture and prefers her own tastes anyway. Similar answer on fashion. Jewelry is a possibility, but I wouldn't want to get her anything she doesn't like/need. I would get her tickets to a show or something, but there is my nephew to consider and there is a pandemic on. I don't want to go super-cheesy, neither of us is there yet.So, I'm stumped. Any help? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Fully Customized Monopoly board game

Hey guys! I had a lot of people ask me if we do physical game too. Well now we figured out a way to ship the customized monopoly board. The board is a professional grade 20*20 quad- fold board. All the customization as before are available for tickets, community chest and money. The box is available to customize too with your favourite photos. Do check us out on Etsy - Board Siblings . Thank you ❤️ via /r/Gifts