Friday, January 10, 2020

#gifts - #Help with gift for 21M who dreams of being a SEAL

Hi Reddit! I 19F am looking for a birthday gift for my boyfriend 21M, we have been in an LDR for some time now and it’s rough, after Christmas he said he’d like to have something that reminds him of me AND his dream (becoming a Navy SEAL). The closest thing I can find is a keychain on Etsy that has a quote about long distance on it along side a Navy emblem. And while that is an endearing gift and a step in the right direction I’m looking for something a little more aligned with his dream job exactly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Need gifts ideas for a close friend that is currently studying aeronautical engineering.

I am (22-M) very fond of this friend , she (20-F) invited me for her birthday and i'm looking for a cool gift that relates to her degree. I looked all over for pilot and aeronautical gifts but most of them are targeted for a male costumer. Some items that i found are these airplane shape paperclips and a desk alarm clock, both of them from Boeing. But i don't know if they are boring for a girl or if it is too much to give both of them as a gift that was supposed to be more like a simple gift.Here is a link to find the items that i mentioned via /r/Gifts