Thursday, May 23, 2019

#gifts - #Is the essential oil diffuser suitable as a gift?

If you give a gift to a friend or elder (female), is it appropriate to send essential oil diffuser?​Next week is my mother's birthday. Her skin is very dry and she often has nosebleeds, so I want to give her a diffuser, but I don't know if the essential oil diffuser can improve these problems. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift for a guitar player who doesn’t use picks?

Yeah idk I’m at a loss. I want to get him something guitar related via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Meeting long distance girlfriend and her mother for the first time soon. Need ideas on what to get her mom!

So as the title says, I'm meeting my ld girlfriend and her mom in a few weeks. All I know is her mom's favorite color is red and and she likes things that she can place either on her desk or dresser. Any ideas? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #My boyfriend needs a new bag and his birthday is just around the corner. Which bag would make you happy?

He has this kinda "fuckboyish" aesthetic going on and basically all of his clothes are black.... I am thinking about buying this one, opinions? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Need suggestions on where to find this particular kind of gift?

Hey guys, so my girlfriend wants to get me and her matching necklaces or something similar (a bracelet or ring etc). I’m just wondering where abouts would be a good place to look for something like this? Anyone have any specific websites that do stuff like this. Doesn’t necessarily need to be a “his and her” kind of thing, although it can be. She said she would prefer necklaces over anything, so where can I find us matching necklaces or necklaces that go well together for both a male and female? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #A perfect gift for any Jeff Goldblum fans out there! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Not socks again this year 😩. There’s no doubt about it, the Best Dad deserves the very best Gift, from the skills he taught you to the memories he helped make don’t you think he deserves more than socks this year, if he’s into fishing he’ll be into Rodfendr find us online or on Facebook via /r/Gifts