Friday, August 24, 2018

#gifts - #Help! Need a mind blowingly unique gift for my wife's 30th birthday - budget not a concern

My wife is turning 30, and I need something amazing to gift her! She's just delivered our second child, has turned vegan, loves luxury products but has stopped buying leather so non-leather suggestions welcome! Want to get her something Wow! Would need to deliver in India. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Best gift for an anime fan?

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#gifts - #1 year(dating)

my bf and I have been dating for a whole year next week! He’s very outdoorsy and loves baseball (I got him baseball tickets for his bday).. any suggestions? Thank you in advance! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift suggestions for anniversary

In a week from now, my girlfriend and I would be dating for a year and I don't know what to get her. I know about her likes/dislikes and there isn't much that I haven't given her already. I want the anniversary gift to be something special and out of the box but can't seem to come up with anything innovative. Help. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Any ideas for gifts for a Chemist?

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#gifts - #House warming/wedding gift basket I put together via /r/Gifts