Let me get the point across. A very good friend of mine discovered earlier that they might be spending their last Christmas with his grandfather later this year. I wanted to gift them something handmade or so, something that is not bought from any market or so, something special, the kind they like. I later came up with an idea, which appeared to me out of thin air. The very integral element of the concept, was the story behind it. What story should my gift tell? How about a small project, in which I assemble digital signatures from people whose name is Jose (the grandfather's name is Jose) and make some work of art with that, some card? I wanted to spread the message, a universal one at that, that there are many people with your name and features, but there is only one you, a person with a story and a life of their own, someone unique. I wanted to remind him of the life he lived and the people who will remember him in the end. I hope you get the idea. I plan to accompany it with some story or poem I wrote on my own. It doesn't matter if your name is Jose or not. I just want you to create digital signatures, like some PNG, with transparent or white backgrounds, doesn't matter even if the signature is made up. I just want to make a man happy. tl;dr - Make a digital signature with a clear background of the name Jose and send it to me for gifting a dying man. Thank you for you valuable time and please do help as soon as possible. If you have any doubts at all, let me know. via /r/Gifts http://ift.tt/2wB896I