Sunday, July 29, 2018

#gifts - #Need ideas for 2 year anniversary

Im terrible at coming up with gifts, and my wife is very simple: she likes fuzzy blankets, animals, and Bobs Burgers. I got her a Bobs Burgers portrait of ourselves last year, so thats out. Ive asked her what she wants and the biggest things are: cat post and new pots and pans lol. Though those are freebies, i feel like i should do better.. first time over at r/gifts looking for suggestions!Edit: completely forgot: i was thinking about getting her rollerblades (i know, it isnt the 90s but she loved to do it) or getting bicycles but both require her to actually pick them out. But summer will be over soon..and she does want to learn spanish, so i dont know if a class, or rosetta stone would be good? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #My gift to you is

disappearingHow’s that?Your gift to me was telling me what I am. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift for female friend turning 30

She loves biology/animals and going to the beach. She doesn't have elbows so I can't get her any type of jewelry since her arm motion is restricted. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Looking for a gift for my long distance girlfriend.

As of this September me and my girlfriend will be starting at different colleges, kicking off our log distance relationship. I was looking into a gift sort of like the "Love Box" but they are currently out of stock. Any suggestions sort of like that would be great, but I am open to any ideas! Thanks Reddit. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Suggestion for close female friend

Really simple question :For a girl, 17, do you think this : this : better?I might get neither, but she's helped me through a lot and has always assured me of myself so, if I get the guts I was thinking of giving her something. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #I need to get my brother the worlds worst shirt for holidays. I need help!!!

My and my brother are going to Marbella on holidays with the 2 girlfriends and we have to get each other a shit shirt.I can’t find the right shit shirt.I need some help!!Budget is set to £25All help welcome 🙌🏻🙌🏻 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift for Dad's 60th Birthday

Looking for a good idea for my Dad's 60th. He is retired and his health can be variable/in and out of hospital.He likes art, but I'm wary of getting art supplies etc. as I don't really know anything about it and he is best to pick what he wants (and I don't really want to get a gift card for his 60th). He likes to do things in the garden. He watches sport occasionally, but he's not a serious fan of anything. He doesn't drink/smoke, doesn't care overly about fashion. He likes science/space and things like that (but books are out as he struggles to see them and I often gift him things like audiobooks for b-days etc. anyway, so not really special).I also wouldn't want to get "experience" type things for him in case he is not well enough to do them/they're more of a burden than a gift.Edit: Budget, say under about £75 via /r/Gifts