Saturday, October 3, 2020

#gifts - #I need some spooky ideas!!

Hey everyone! Halloween is approaching and so is my boyfriend and I's anniversary! I really want to plan something special that's also spooky themed! I know I'm thinking of making him a cute lil halloween box and painting him something! What other halloween themed gifts or ideas you all might have? What type of gifts could I put in the box im making, besides candy and gift cards? We both are gamers, he's a guitarist, he also just got a car! He's super sweet and loves every little thing I do, but I'd appreciate any advice you all may have!! Thanks! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Made pennywise & skeleton keychains with resin via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Unique and useful gifts for Travel lovers

There is something about surprises and gifts that instantly make us happy. It could be the curiosity to know what is inside the package or the joy of receiving something that we always wanted but never had. To be on the receiver’s side of the gifts is amazing but what do you gift someone? What could be the best travel gifts for travel lovers? We came up with a list of the most unique and useful gifts you could gift to all kinds of travel lovers. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Android/iOS app with most epic gifts from Amazon

I have developed an Android / iOS app, that has thousands of most epic items you can get from Amazon. Money rolling papers, pope costume for a dog, baby Yoda night light, grumpy sharp slippers - you name it. Available only for US customers at the moment.It's my hobby project, it's completely free and doesn't contain any ads.Website: via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #I sell handmade baby jackets and blankets

The pictures don't do justice. They are so cute and unique. Would make a excellent gift! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Friends just lost a baby

My friends just lost one of their twin babies. He was 5 months old. I want to get them something but I don’t know what. I was thinking of sending them some food or something helpful. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Get a custom painted portrait & more! Message me for more samples and pricing. via /r/Gifts