Sunday, April 21, 2019

#gifts - #Co-worker just bought a house! Seeking house warming gift ideas.

My (21F) coworker and man I’m newly dating (26M) just purchased his first house. In addition to helping him move, what ideas do you have for a house-warming gift?He is pretty minimalist and doesn’t like to buy new things for himself, he doesn’t like “junk” or clutter.What gifts do you suggest? What gifts have been well received historically for you? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Going away to college gift

I’ve got a friend who is going away to college in a month or so and can’t find an idea for a going away gift. We live in south america and she’ll be going to FIU (Florida International University) so we won’t be seeing much of each other in quite some time. Any ideas are welcome! Thanks!! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #[For Hire] Digital Drawings Of Your Pet- starting at $40 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Easter Gifts Under $30 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Older brothers wedding gift

Hey all, I’m looking for suggestions onto wedding gifts for my older brother. We’re not the closest but I know he’s a great guy and has always been there when needed for some brother advice. He’s been with his fiancé for 7+ years. They didn’t have a bridal shower, and their only gift request is $$ for their honeymoon.Two-food questions:What should I get them?? Stick with their registry (honeymoon $$) or something else?My little brother and I are closer, should we get a group gift for them or do something individually??Thanks for your suggestions 🥂 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #I need a gift for my 63-year-old aunt who drives a 2019 Honda Type R

The title says it all - she basically drives a race car that 20-year-olds drool over. Any fun, unique, anything ideas maybe related to that?! Thank you!!! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Shoulder Handbag PRE-SUMMER SALE 20% off all handbags. Use Code: READY4SUMMER20% via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Limited Edition Hummingbird with a floral motif 30x30cm. This piece is made from 7 intricate layers of wood with oak top. A perfect gift for someone special via /r/Gifts