Sunday, October 25, 2020

#gifts - #Gift ideas for mom after moving away?

Hi guys! Me and my mom are super close and in January I will be moving a few states away to go to grad school. I know she’s pretty sad about it already and I have never moved out before so I wanted to get my mom something for Christmas that won’t make the distance feel so bad. Any help would be appreciated.Thank you!! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift idea for magicians/cardists.

Hi. Our website now offers customized close-up pads. Check it out and let us know what you think.​ via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Self Stirring mug via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Big box of lifelong gifts from Austria

So I'm an exchange student in Austria and my sister back home is giving birth to a girl any day now and I want to bring this little lady something, or souvenir, from Austria that she can keep for the rest of her life to make up for me not being home when she's born. I will probably make a big box and fill it with special things so I will be grateful if you give me ideas? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Upcycled Book and Paper Bouquets. Flowers that won't die. 🌹 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift suggestions for father who has a few months to live?

My dad (51 years old) has battled glioblastoma (terminal brain cancer) for the past two years. Two weeks ago the doctors told us that they would be stopping treatment as nothing is working anymore and that he has 3-6 months. I want to try to make this Christmas as special as possible for him. I understand that the best gift is family spending that special time together, but what ‘unwrappable’ gift do I purchase for someone who is only expected to live for up to three months after Christmas? Any suggestions are super appreciated! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #4yr wedding anniversary ideas

Looking for a gift idea for my wife for our 4 year anniversary. I'm thinking of a game or something to bring back the intimacy or spice up our sex life. Ideas are 2fold-1) Intimacy and sex life are low and it just feels at times like we're trudging through life randomly. We have a 3yo and that gets in the way at times but also mentally exhausting. We don't do many things alone and it's like we're one group of 3 with nothing for just ourselves. I initiate all the time so looking for something to build between us.2) Body composition also plays into the above. Neither of us are in desirable physical condition and she's never in the mood because she doesn't like how she looks.Gift ideas are thisintimacy game as one option. Another option is something to help her with her body image but of course that's tough without basically implying that she's not attractive and I want her to change.Ideas please? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Best Gift Ever via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #USB LED Aroma Ultrasonic Humidifier 300ML Summer Aromatherapy | Etsy via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Recordable gifts.

Hi, I'm looking for a gift for my sister. Our father died a few months ago and I found a video on his facebook of him singing Happy Birthday to her a couple years ago and was hoping to find some kind of gift I can put the sound from that recording into for her.She'll be turning 20 and the sound clip is about 15 seconds long.Thanks. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What’s the funniest white elephant gift you’ve given or received?

No text found via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Custom Vinyl via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Need gift suggestions for wife!

I usually am on if with gifts, but this year I’m drawing blanks.My wife is a graphic designer and loves creative things like knitting, crochet, cross stitching and so on. We have agreed no Amazon this year and will only gift from Etsy, local or handmade. I usually love to make things, but have no ideas this year. Really wanting to knock it out if the park on a teacher budget. Thanks! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Help with Phrasing when giving gift

So my friends are all really into nordic mythology, so i found these are nordic metals 4 of them in total and 4 of us, The problem is I can identify all the metals and who they should go to, but 3 of them are REWARDS for doing something, The last one is to give someone for good luck, and the friend I want to give that to has HORRIBLE LUCK. He's an alright guy. not perfect nobody is, but still just gets screwed over and over and i want to try to improve that. HOWEVER ALL I CAN THINK OF FOR WHEN THE TIME COMES IS "for my example to others. For your bravery. For your Sacrifice. Oh and for you good fucking luck" AND I DONT MEAN IT THAT WAY! I mean it in a way that I want things to get better but I cant think of a way to phrase it without it sounding like it will hurt his feelingsAny help would be very much appreciated via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift for girl friend

I have a friend who is a girl, who is very special to me and she’s turning 18, want to get her something nice, that she will really like. Any recommendations will be appreciated! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Handmade Christmas Oyster Shell Ornaments via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Chocolate bouquets I make for friends’ birthdays! Each one costs around £12 to make including the box, tissue paper, and florists foam via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift ideas for my sisters baby shower?

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