Saturday, April 15, 2017

#gifts - #Looking to buy my friend a trashy t-shirt as a gag gift

Hey r/Gifts! Don't know if this is the best place to ask, but I think I'll find out soon. Anyhow, a good pal of mine helped me get into college, and I've already gotten him something nice, but as I'll see him on campus in a couple weeks I want to give him a fun gag gift. Here is an image of the t-shirt I'd ideally like to buy him (, but if you have any suggestions with a similar theme (i.e. common cartoon characters as gangsters) please let me know! Also, I've been having a lot of trouble finding these online, all I've found is a shirt in the style linked but used and only in XL (thanks, eBay). via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Looking for some way to gift a personalized thermos

So, I had this gift idea for quite a while now, but I can't seem to find any good website that printed a custom design on the whole item, or any with a decent selection. Any ideas here ? (Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit, had no idea where to post it, and it IS a gift in the end...) via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gifts for the Whole Family via /r/Gifts