Sunday, February 11, 2018

#gifts - #A cool present/idea for Valentines Day

You can send a personalized Valentine video for your valentine as a present! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #The PERFECT valentine's day gift? How to make your girlfriend a real princess? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Help with a gift idea.

I'm in long serious relationship with my "wife". We are perpetually engaged and can't get married for insurance reasons. We introduce each other as husband and wife to new people. We have an awesome little 3 year old boy too.She has a ring, I don't. She has stated that she doesn't want me to get her anything because she really can't get me anything. She is a stay at home mom.So my idea is to get a Men's wedding band and give it to her. To give to me. With a note or a card stating how I want everyone to know I have someone amazing in my life.Is this lame or corny?Or is it sweet and romantic? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Custom Journal Design (Valentine's Gift)- "Open Your Heart" via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Is deodorant an okay gift for men?

There's a guy I started dating last month. I wanted to get him a cologne I love, dolce and gabbana light blue. But I can't find it anywhere. Its either too expensive or sold out everywhere. So the next best thing I could find was Dolce and gabbana deodorant. Would a man think its lame to get deodorant for valentines day? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Last minute Valentine's Day gifts for her and him for February 14 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Need help creating a poem book gift for my gf

Hi everybody!My girlfriends birthday is coming up so I'm making her a little book of poems. I've been working on the poems for a while. I have 5 poems (all around like a page length).What I need help with is how to make a little book with only the 5 poems. I dont know about materials or paper or anything. My idea is to have a poem on every page and opposite of it have a photo of us. I have no idea how to create it though.Please help! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Last minute Gift ideas for Valentine's via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What's a good Valentine gift I could get someone I haven't known long but have been on a date with?

I want to get her a small gift. Nothing serious but something to let them know I appreciate her and want to know more. Even if we just turn out as just friends. She is a really cool person so I want to let her know that.When we did go out, we both had a great time. She is also super hard working so we don't get to talk much unless we see each other in person once or twice a week. She has a job and goes to school. Literally doing so much to get herself through school while being an A student.Based on her hard work, I was thinking something small and simple like a box of chocolates with a little note with a quote about hard work. I was worried this might be too much or something but I'm not sure.Any advice? via /r/Gifts