Tuesday, February 18, 2020

#gifts - #Custom drawstring bags

A bit of self promo: I've recently established a shop on Etsy where I make handmade luxury custom bags! Pricing starts at $5usd and scales based on fabric type and size.These bags are good for pretty much anything you'd like- they make great gifts on their own or as a resusable gift bag.I currently have four different types of bags-Custom Faux Suede Bags; For those looking for something a little more subtle/luxurious feeling- Custom Satin Bags; For those looking for something a little more sleek and subtle- Custom Printed Cotton Bags; Something a little more fun/cute (13 Prints)- Custom Premium Cotton Bags; Something a little more cute/vibrant (higher quality cotton than the standard printed cotton i offer) (6 Prints) via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/f5z388/custom_drawstring_bags/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #Don't take my word for it. Triple Moon Symbol Wooden Pendant Necklace.

https://i.redd.it/i39e6qmt7qh41.jpg via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/f5wcj9/dont_take_my_word_for_it_triple_moon_symbol/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #Creative Explosion Gift Box

https://youramazinggift.com/creative-explosion-gift-box/ via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/f5uy2z/creative_explosion_gift_box/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #10 amazingly detailed doll house kits for teens and crafty friends.

https://myeasygifter.com/girl/10-fantastic-miniature-dollhouse-kits/ via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/f5t6o2/10_amazingly_detailed_doll_house_kits_for_teens/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #Glass bottle decoration with old broosh and eggshell. DIY ideas from T. Creative Crafts Studio!

https://i.redd.it/rntp5hlfpoh41.jpg via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/f5rsqr/glass_bottle_decoration_with_old_broosh_and/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #Any bottle can be turned into a real amphora with plaster, water and strips of cloth. DIY ideas from T. Creative Crafts Studio!

https://i.redd.it/6r6r90ly8oh41.jpg via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/f5qoqh/any_bottle_can_be_turned_into_a_real_amphora_with/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #A unique gift idea for my girlfriend

I am planning to gift something to my girlfriend or do something for her that would make her happy. Due to some reasons she is super angry with me(it was really my fault,I hurt her feelings). I know she would love if I gift something to her or do something for her which she can show /tell others about, that would make her really happy. I'm infact interested in doing something so much memorable for her. Something funny and emotional. Any type of idea you have for me is welcomed. Ps. If you are a girl, can you please tell me what is something that you would expect when you are angry, from your boyfriend. via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/f5qxmz/a_unique_gift_idea_for_my_girlfriend/?utm_source=ifttt