I'm absolutely awful at giving gifts, but it's my friend's 21st in a few weeks and I'd like to actually get this right for once.We used to be really close, and we helped each other through a difficult time, so I'd feel awful getting her something impersonal like a gift card. But we've drifted apart a lot since she moved away for uni a few years ago, and I don't really know how her tastes have changed.She really likes clothes and fashion, and has quite an active social life (like she's always going to parties and stuff). She used to do all sorts of art, but I think she's moved on from that.I was considering getting her an expensive makeup set, but I have no idea what would suit, or if that's even appropriate. How do you buy makeup for other people? Either that or I could get her expensive booze, but that seems a bit like a cop out. Help! via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/7x8bui/gift_ideas_for_a_girls_21st_birthday/?utm_source=ifttt