Tuesday, October 30, 2018

#gifts - #Honey Bee Brooch

https://www.smartyleowl.com/product/honey-bee-jewelry/ via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/9su8z8/honey_bee_brooch/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #6 Magical Gifts for the Harry Potter Fan in Your Life

https://www.buzzfeed.com/etmucm/6-magical-gifts-for-the-harry-potter-fan-in-your-l-3ns4o via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/9st63p/6_magical_gifts_for_the_harry_potter_fan_in_your/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #Ideal Gift Idea for All. This Health Watch is Designed to Help Live a Healthier, more fulfilling Lifestyle.

HealthWatch With a Premium Look!This New Smart Watch Monitor Your Vital Function in Real Time For a Healthy Lifestyle.Enjoy 50% discount now. Limited offer...More info, features here https://chartersreviews.com/visit/link/healthwatch/ via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/9sryg7/ideal_gift_idea_for_all_this_health_watch_is/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #Homemade gift ideas for my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend [39M]

We're going on a trip together for our anniversary and decided not to do big gifts, but I still would like to make him something small and preferably hand crafted by me. Does any have any sweet ideas? If it helps he enjoys star wars, dreaming about boats, concerts, whiskey. He also has a 6 y/o daughter. I'd appreciate any help I can get! via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/9spz6d/homemade_gift_ideas_for_my_1_year_anniversary/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #military/it brother

Ok now my brother is a military/it guy. He owns servers and very impressive computer setups and can probably hack your computer. He plays games like monster hunter and used to be an expert at runescape back in the day. I figure he owns everything he needs and if he doesnt its way past my budget of 150. via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/9spf3l/militaryit_brother/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #Gift for someone who has ALS?

Hi all, my best friend’s dad has ALS and at this point, it has progressed to the point where he is confined to a wheelchair, he’s almost completely unable to talk, and he has to eat all of his food blended up and through a straw. As you can imagine, it’s very heartbreaking for my friend’s whole family. I send small gifts and cards to my friend often to let her know I’m thinking of her, but I’d like to send a letter to her parents as well, and a small gift or gifts. Any ideas? He was a beekeeper before becoming immobile, but I don’t know much else about him. Thanks in advance! via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/9spisj/gift_for_someone_who_has_als/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #10 Great Gift Ideas For Girls Who Play Sports

http://myeasygifter.com/girl/10-best-gifts-for-girl-athletes/ via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/9sohwb/10_great_gift_ideas_for_girls_who_play_sports/?utm_source=ifttt

#gifts - #Cringey shirts for a joke gift.

Been looking around but haven’t really seen anything particularly ‘great’ yet. Stuff like this: https://teespring.com/shop/126-DONT_PISS_ME_OFF#pid=2&cid=2397&sid=frontJust looking for generalul cringe-worthy apparel, not necessarily just “yeah im a gamer” shit. via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/9sjw2w/cringey_shirts_for_a_joke_gift/?utm_source=ifttt