So, I've asked my mom what she wants for Christmas/her birthday this year, and she just gave me a Pandora bead book with some circled beads in it. All of them are $50-$60. I'm a poor college student living at home, and I can't afford that. I didn't spend more than $18 per person on Christmas. If I spent more, I'd be dipping into my college fund.She's religious, so something along those lines might be good. But, she already has a bunch of decorative signs and bibles everywhere (As a side note, I'm not religious. Every time I've given her a religious themed gift she suddenly thinks I was just in a phase and I'm religious again). I've tried getting inexpensive jewelry before, but she doesn't wear it. My time isn't much of an option, either, since I'm always studying, doing homework, in class, or working. I'm almost resorting to Dollar General and just buying another religious sign. via /r/Gifts