Friday, June 29, 2018

#gifts - #Bathroom Texting wall art and storage via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #30th birthday!

Any ideas how I can make his 30th special? We have always joked about 30 being “soooo old,” so I want to have fun with it. He also jokes about celebrating his birthday the entire month (his birthday month). I thought about decorating the entire house for his birthday month. Any more ideas? He likes to golf and drink with his brothers. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Hilarious greeting card. No one really likes cards that play music...this one loops non-stop on purpose and it's great! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Birthday gift for someone in a brand new relationship

So I’ve been seeing this guy for around 2 weeks now and his birthday is coming up next week!We aren’t officially BF/GF, but I can feel us becoming more serious about each other with each passing day :)I know he’s an avid reader, GoT fan, and really into photography as well. We also went to see Incredibles 2 during our first date, so I’m wondering if that would help in picking his gift!I obviously don’t want to come across as OTT due to how little time we’ve been together, but still want to find a great gift for him!Any suggestions welcome :)ETA: I’m 19 and he’s turning 22 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift for a valued co-worker who’s leaving?

Hi Guys,So my best work friend, as well as my go to and mentor, for the last 5 years is leaving the company. We work remotely (shes up north and I’m down south) so we don’t really talk or hang out outside of work, but at work we talk and message and help each other pretty much all day.She’s got a baby now and is leaving to be with her kid and I really want to get her something meaningful to show her how much I’ve appreciated her over the years. I’ve gifted a coffee mug for a Christmas gift a couple years ago so I don’t want to go that route. Any ideas? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #$37,99 & Free Shipping via /r/Gifts