Can you give me advice on what to give my "father" for a Father's Day gift?Backstory: My bio-dad was never around and male figures in my family haven't been very present in my life either. Last year, I moved to a new city, became super close to a lady.. who became my mentor. I became like an adoptive daughter to her and her husband. They really treated me like a daughter... So much so that when I got married this past December, I asked him to walk me down the aisle.They recently moved back to Hong Kong for a mission project and we still keep in contact.This is my first Fathers Day that I even considered buying/making a gift for anyone.My question is, what meaningful gift would you appreciate (other than a card because that is given) if you were the "father" in this position.Addl. note?: He enjoys card games, so when I asked him to walk me down the aisle, I made him custom cards asking him the question. He is a pastor... Likes coffee...I made them a personalize wedding photo album from the wedding with all our photos...I'm just at a loss for what to get him.Thank you for your time and advice! via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/c0g9yi/fathers_day_gift/?utm_source=ifttt