Sunday, June 28, 2020

#gifts - #21st sentimental birthday present for best guy friend!

Hi everyone! I'm trying to come up with gift idea for my best friend who'll be turning 21. Granted, his birthday is next year but I love planning gift ideas waaayyy too far in advance. But this time I was thinking about getting him something more sentimental.He's a sensitive, affectionate guy and I know he'd definitely prefer something symbolic or meaningful rather than something expensive. I was thinking about doing one of those things where you write 365 things you love about a person and putting them in a jar to give to him on his birthday. Or maybe something but on a smaller scale, like maybe 100 things. Another thing I was considering was maybe one of those star maps, where it has artwork of what the constellations in the sky looked like at the time he was born. I know he wants something to hang up on an empty wall in his room so that might be nice. A scrapbook of our friendship could also be nice but the thing is we don't have many photos together (this always seems to be the case with best friends, lol).Do you guys have any ideas for sentimental gifts for a male best friend's 21st birthday? Something that will show him just how special he is and how much he means to me! He's gone through tough times too so I really want to show him he's loved. A gift that will take a year to make (like the first one I mentioned) would be preferred (like adding a little bit to the gift every day) - I feel like that's the type of thing he'd really appreciate, but any and all ideas are welcome.Thanks guys :) via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Just got my Girlfriend this Bracelet and she absolutely loves it! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Please help!!

So my gf is turning 22 next week and I’m looking to get her something personal or something she’ll actually end up using a lot. She already has lots of clothes, make up, shoes and all that stuff. Redditors please help a man out. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Kitties created using art resin and inks :) Was super fun to make and can’t wait to make more via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Chocolate Explosion Box Tutorial | Gift Idea via /r/Gifts