Sunday, August 2, 2020

#gifts - #Best gift for my gf who i am meeting after 1.5 months.

Hello there beautifull people. Meeting her after months and like it ro be special. She is into animation and drawing but in an amatuer level. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #I don’t know what i’d want for my 20th birthday (m)

My birthday is coming up but i spend absolutely 0 time thinking about what i want and my relatives refuse to accept that i say ”money is fine, i’m sure i’ll want something in the future ” . So, what’s a good thing i could wish for? I’m turning 20, i play pc games, want to become a hunter/work with computers. I’m not that materialistic, fashion isn’t really a big prio for me. My pc’s a monster so upgrades aren’t needed.Been bonking my head in my table to see if i can knock ideas loose but nothing comes of it. Ooh i collected knives at one point! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Online gift ideas for my girlfriend

Hello people,I wanna give my girlfriend a gift but unfortunately we are away from each other for the moment..What's a really nice unique gift for her that i can do online?(not physical gifts to be shipped, just something digital or whatever your ideas can be)Thank you :)) via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What do I get my dad for his birthday?

My dad (turning 55ish but says he’s 30) has a great sense of humor. Loves classic cars, boating, and fishing (trolling for walleye specifically). via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Custom mugs make a perfect gift! Message for any personalization options! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Assorted Envelope Set Set of 10 Linen Envelope Set | Etsy via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #What is the best beard care item available as a gift in India?

Hello everyone, I am looking for a birthday gift for my boyfriend who is crazy about his beard. Hence, I would like to give him something related for his upcoming birthday.Budget : 2k rupees via /r/Gifts