Wednesday, April 25, 2018

#gifts - #Personalized computer game as a gift via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Rings. Materia - Corian (acrylic stone). via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Looking for Blondie No Exit Album for Girlfriend

My girlfriend is a big, big fan of the band Blondie. They’re like a big hit back in the 80s and 90s. I’m planning on buying their No Exit album (in CD or vinyl) for my girl. It’ll be a surprise gift for her. The problem is I can’t find what I’m looking for in my area. It’s her favourite album so as much as possible I want to give her that instead of another merchandise. I remember her going over and over how much she likes them when we met during the this bride tours. If you guys know someone selling No Exit or you know where I can buy it please inform me. Thanks guys! via /r/Gifts