Tuesday, August 8, 2017

#gifts - #Get Free Amazon Gift Card Codes 2017

http://ift.tt/2hHNN53 via /r/Gifts http://ift.tt/2frWrnR

#gifts - #Looking for a gift for a good friend

Hi all,My friend's birthday was a few weeks ago but he went to another country for the summer and is coming back in about 3 weeks. I'm having a really hard time thinking of a gift for him because he's quite wealthy and generally has everything already.One thing I already ordered but hasn't arrived yet from Etsy is a little 3D printed Adidas NMD shoe keychain. I'm looking for more ideas though.He likescars (especially porsches) I thought about getting him car accessories or car themed stuff but I can't think of any other than dash cams, which he recently bought himself.shoes (especially adidas) He has so many damn pairs already and so I thought of getting him a maintenance kit for shoes but he already has one of those too...hypebeast stuff in general. ASSC, Supreme, etc... but he already has tons of that stuffcologne. He has tons... any kind of cologne-related things I could get?My budget is around $300-500 CAD so about $250-400 USD (I'm nowhere near as well off but I can afford to spend more on this gift because I was looking into buying a new pair of headphones for myself recently but he gave me one of his)Thanks!EDIT: Formatting via /r/Gifts http://ift.tt/2unKa6e

#gifts - #Gift For Someone Far Wealthier Than Me

My ex-in-laws (long story) are flying me and my two children from Seattle to Florida for a visit. I feel like I should get the something to say thank you, but Lordy, they are far better off than I am. Any ideas that are thoughtful but not cheesy? (Besides a framed picture of the kids because I've done that at least 100 times!)Thank you, Reddit! via /r/Gifts http://ift.tt/2unrKGL

#handmade - #Get Free Amazon Gift Card Code with our Online Amazon Code Generator. Choose Gift Card:-$500

Get Free Amazon Gift Card Code with our Online Amazon Code Generator. Choose Gift Card:-$500Click here=>>>http://ift.tt/2vBHy63 via /r/Handmade_Gifts http://ift.tt/2fqlcAR

#gifts - #Emoji Hoodie

I'm trying to get my friend a birthday present but it can't be a shitty mug like last year, so I've decided to get here a hoodie with some of here favorite emojis on them but I can find a website that will do it all the sights I've​ tried won't print emojis on there hoodies so if anyone knows of a sight that might work please let me know or if you have anything else you think I should try.Thanks via /r/Gifts http://ift.tt/2ulQdMR

#gifts - #$25 awesome RC rock climber, perfect for kids or big kids. My review on it

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCWEBNlnSMU via /r/Gifts http://ift.tt/2ul1Zmr