My boyfriend's birthday is coming up so I thought I'd get planning for birthday gifts. I'm pretty bad at gift ideas generally. We are from Australia and my budget is at most $200 but hopefully less if I find something really cool rather than buying many average things.He's super keen on British things like Dr Who, Sherlock, and Monty Python. He also likes nerdy things like video games, Star Wars, and sciencey stuff (he has a degree in science). Also like most people he likes food especially chocolate. Regarding video games, he really likes Bethesda games like Skyrim and Fallout. He drinks on occasion but not enough really to justify a gift of alcohol.I was looking on Etsy to hopefully get something unique but postage is basically the cost of the cool science mugs and stuff I found because they ship from the US. I'm also not very creative otherwise I'd make something. via /r/Gifts