Friday, December 13, 2019

#gifts - #My husband lost his brother in August. I had a custom vinyl with some of his brother’s favorite songs made for him to listen to when he misses him. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Looking for a sausage warmer (nope, you read that right)

So my dad is looking for a German sausage warmer/mustard bowl (called a Senftöpferl) for his German father. The problem is finding a site where we can buy one that will ship it to the US. Anyone know of a subreddit where I can ask someone to send one out personally or where we could find one? What do you think is the safest and easiest way to have the gift sent to us? Thank you! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Handcrafted gift items for families and friends. My shop is

​​ via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Lightweight but expensive

Would love your suggestions for an extra-special / impressive but lightweight gift (I’m traveling) that I can get for my husband for his rapidly upcoming birthday.He likes: our daughter, art, contemporary history, things we can do together. I’m at a loss for ideas, and running out of time! Thanks via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Best One-Time Gift Delivery?

What are your favorite companies for gift delivery?After some movement this year, most of my extended family is now out of state. Since I'll be shopping for families rather than individuals, I would prefer options that are more food or activity based rather than subscription boxes like Ipsy, etc. but I am open to suggestions. :) via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #10 Cool Gadget Gift Ideas Found on Amazon via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Some amazing gifts that women actually want via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Looking for a gift for my fiancé's father's fiancée's daughter

(If that sounds confusing, she will be my stepsister-in-law after both weddings.)J is a fifteen-year-old girl. She is shy, has a small group of friends, and enjoys card games. She's an above average student but not above-and-beyond at any particular subject such that it makes a good gift basis. She enjoys running track, golf, baking, and video games (unfortunately, I don't know the genre, but she plays on an Xbox One). She has skin sensitivities and thus wears only 100% plant fiber clothes and no makeup and has to be very careful with soaps, shampoos, etc.The biggest restriction is that her mom (i.e. my future stepmother in law) keeps a minimalist home with highly curated contents in the modern minimalist style. Decorative items are a no-go unless they meet the aesthetic requirements. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Really need help with a gift for father-in-law who has everything.

He's really into Harleys and works as a police officer. He mainly comes home and watches movies until bed. Has seemingly every tool imaginable, tons of barbecue equipment, etc. I'm looking for a gift for him under $40 or so. Any help would be greatly appreciated. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Is this a good gift?

I have a drama teacher at school that is a huge fan of Peaky Blinders, so I was browsing for a Christmas gift and found a signed copy of the script for the 1st episode. However, it is a photocopy, so it’s not like it’s been ‘officially’ signed. I’m not a PB fan myself, so I’m not sure if she’ll like it. Also, is it likely that this is something she will already have?Link via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Some gifts idias for him via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #How to make Luxurious Homemade Body Butter- Great Gift Idea! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Necklace that projects the words “ I love you “ in 100 languages via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Diso a Georgia state shot glass

We got back from Vacation and my s/o realized he had forgotten it. He was pretty bummed. Can anyone in Georgia send me one or send me a link to get one? I’d be forever grateful. I’m in Canada btw via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #The Best Cheap Stocking Stuffers of 2019 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #A good idea for Gifting via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #10 Most Innovative Gift Gadgets For Christmas 2019 via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Gift suggestions for artsy or techy people picked by an engineer via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #something small and packing ideas?

hi! I will travel for about 4 months next year and by SO is coming to visit me at some point. I will gift him this ticket (because he could not afford it and I want to see him). So I already got that booked but now I want to give it to him in a little special way.. I thought about some little things he could use on the plane to add but am not sure what he would need / want and how to pack it creativly as I'm probably the most uncreative person.. any ideas? via /r/Gifts

#gifts - ##FabFingsFriday Unique Vintage Christmas Presents Special via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #I wanna print a facebook conversation onto a poster or tapestry or something for my girlfriend.

I met my girlfriend at work and want to print our first few messages of our Facebook conversation to a poster or tapestry or something. Does anyone know of any sites that do something like that? Thanks via /r/Gifts