Wednesday, May 15, 2019

#gifts - #Looking for this diaper bag/crossbody bag online?

I can’t find anything like this anywhere online, I’m not sure what to call it to keep searching. I really love it and want to buy it for myself and best friend. Even something remotely similar would be nice to find.Thanks! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Packaging Zone — How To Make Eyeshadow Packaging via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Send Father's Day Gifts to India via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #Custom bow ties made from wood via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #[Meta] Looking for a couple more mods for this subreddit. Note: applications from anyone who doesn't read the numbered list do not count

Have YOU ever want to clean spam up for reddit, inc.? Well, do I have an offer for you! For a limited time only, you, yes YOU can sign up TODAY to clean up spam and remove rulebreaking comments! But WAIT, there's more! If you sign up RIGHT now, YOU TOO would get the EXCLUSIVE ability to make your name green, in threads where you are removing stuff please refrain from doing so elsewhere.How much would YOU pay to work for reddit, inc.? $25? $250? The mods of /r/IAMA pay $50/month to be on the team but if you sign up while applications are open, I will waive this fee and allow you to do the stuff reddit, inc. pays admins to do ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE!!!!!! That's right, you won't have to spend a PENNY to be on this modteam.Ready to join? Well, of course you are! Please read this below numbered list and reply after you have read it in its entirety to apply:Mods on this team are expected to do the following:Mark spam as spam (no distinguished comment needed).1.a. (optional) add the spammer to automod's shadowban list and report them to /r/reddit.comRemove rulebreaking submissions (all other removals should be followed by a distinguished comment stating the rule broken).2.a. The modqueue is a bit long (hence this post). Please don't batch-remove/approve anything there; if something is archived and needs removal, send a private message about it as "/r/gifts" to the OP with the rule broken. Also, when applying/replying to this thread, put the word "clean" somewhere in your reply; this would signify in a compact form that you've read and agree to everything here in this list.Don't use distinguished comments for anything that doesn't have to do with moderation.Don't break any sidebar/reddit rules yourself.Contribute at least 1 mod action a month to the moderation effort (remove/approve something that needs it and/or participate in modmail).Be OK with making major (e.g. rule changes) or controversial moderation decisions democratically and give ~a week for votes.Be OK with being removed from the modlist if you don't do the above.Have an account that has more than a handful of submissions/comments and is older than, like, a month or two. Having rule-abiding comment/submission history in this sub would obviously be preferable, it would be nice if you could let me know that you do in your reply. via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #First anniversary with boyfriend

It’s nearing my first anniversary with my Boyfriend, and I would like some gift ideas for him. Some facts about him:He is a huge Star Wars and LEGO fan.He is beginning his first graduate job soon so might want to get him something he needs for work.He works in maritime and is very passionate about it.Ideally it would be something that is personal and useful, but any thing related would be great! I don’t have a huge Budget, maybe around $50 but of course that is flexible if I can find the perfect gift.Thank you all! via /r/Gifts

#gifts - #51 Personalized Anniversary Gifts For Her (Traditional Gifts Included) via /r/Gifts