Tuesday, July 4, 2017

#gifts - #LDR gift idea, good or bad?

Okay so we've been together for almost 6 months and now we're finally meeting and he also wants to give me my birthday present early so i thought i should (he'll be too busy at the time of our actual birthday, our dates fall quite close) Hes spent over £100 even though i told him not to (he makes really good money) and since i cant even match that (still a student) and i lack friends (yay for social anxiety) i figured i'll use a throwaway and get objective opinions from strangers on redditI thought a mug with a cartoon seal (one of the first pictures he sent me i joked saying he was posing like a seal- lying down on his side idk its hard to explain) Chocolate hersheys kisses bc...idk obvious reasons i guess And he's extremely corny so i thought a book where i could write a bunch of to-do stuff that we have yet to do together that he could add to and cross out when we meet and do it. Like he always says "oh we need to do this stuff together" or "hey we should watch that movie together one day" That kind of stuffBut im really not sure. Hes my first boyfriend so this is completely new territory for me and i just dont want to come across as cheap since its not gonna cost me over 20 tbhTLDR; a mug with a cartoon seal on it in reference to an old joke, hersheys kisses, and a book for a to-do list that he can add to/cross off via /r/Gifts http://ift.tt/2sErGln

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