Monday, September 4, 2017

#gifts - #Looking for gift for boyfriend's parents

Don't judge but I'm looking for Christmas gifts already; makes it easy to budget and plan for shipping times. Him and I will have been together nearly 11 months at Christmas and I'm assuming I'll receive some small gift from his family, and even if I don't, I'd like to give them something since they've been so kind. They're kind of quiet, don't entertain much, and love going out to a local bar on the weekends. My boyfriend's Mom like thrifting and collecting things and likes taking on projects where she can try to fix or repair things. His dad is a teacher, navy vet, and old basketball coach. It's hard to think of something they'd like as a gift, as they don't seem to have big hobbies or major likes/interests together. I was thinking a gift card for a spa or a nice restaurant but I don't know. Looking to spend under or around $40. Any suggestions appreciated. Thank you in advance for any help. via /r/Gifts

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