Friday, October 27, 2017

#gifts - #Need a birthday/Christmas gift for my boyfriend, and have topped myself way too many times already.

So my boyfriend and I have been together for a year, and we are currently long distance. His birthday is coming up in December on the 22nd, and I need some good gift ideas. I’ve given him some pretty great ones in the past, which is why I’m really struggling right now. I’m also on a bit of a budget bind since I’m attending graduate school (also why I’m asking for ideas so early on).Past gifts include: a painting of Marla Singer from his favorite movie Fight Club, a journal for I’m to write him and framed picture of us along with a few other small things, a cross stitch of a quote from his favorite anime Cowboy Bebop, and a bunch of books from his favorite authors and some Rick and Morty merch. As you can probably tell from the above, he’s pretty nerdy, loves music, video games, reading, and he’s also a writer and actor.Any suggestions would be helpful, as I’m at a total loss and feel like I’ve done so well on my past gifts, that anything less would seem unthoughtful. Thank you in advance! via /r/Gifts

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