Friday, November 10, 2017

#gifts - #Birthday Gift advice, info below!

My friend and I have been best friends for the better part of five years and have had numerous phone calls along the way.I've spoken to her little sister over the phone (now 10) since she hated me a few years back and knowing they have family issues generally, my friend confirmed that the overall mood around the household has been pretty shitty and impacted the little sister and herself.I've asked her sister if she wants anything and she told me a snow globe, but speaking to my friend and she tells me her sister is partly neglected on her special day by her parents and it broke my heart to imagine her upset.So Reddit please, what do I get this little girl?She's 10, with not much interests as she acts really grown up as her sister does.I've already considered a snow globe and a larger teddy bear, but I don't know how to go about it.Please help! :)Limit is as much as you think the girl should get. As long as she gets what she wants today. via /r/Gifts

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