Monday, April 9, 2018

#gifts - #Customized engraved necklace for female best friend's 20th birthday. Need word ideas.

Basically the title. Planning on getting her this but unsure of what to put on the necklace. Not interested in putting her name, date, or anything like that as she's more into things with 'meaning', but I'm not that good at gift-giving / being thoughtful in general.Here is some more information about her / her interests:20 years old this yearAries, Chinese zodiac is a tigerLGBTQ+ stuff (she's aromantic asexual)ArcheryHetalia (an anime she loves)Witchcraft, spells, fantasy-stuff like faeries, mythical creatures, etcKnives, old-fashioned weapons, scythes, etcSteampunk related thingsPoetic thingsGems/rocks/stonesYin / Yang, Astrology, Zodiac, Elements, other related ideologiesAs of right now, I'm thinking of just putting the word "twenty" in Greek (she's learning the language now and is incredibly passionate about it) but I'm really hoping to find something deeper/more meaningful. I think she enjoys things with layered/multiple meanings and I'm hoping to find a word that will entertain her.Any ideas? via /r/Gifts

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