Looking for a good idea for my Dad's 60th. He is retired and his health can be variable/in and out of hospital.He likes art, but I'm wary of getting art supplies etc. as I don't really know anything about it and he is best to pick what he wants (and I don't really want to get a gift card for his 60th). He likes to do things in the garden. He watches sport occasionally, but he's not a serious fan of anything. He doesn't drink/smoke, doesn't care overly about fashion. He likes science/space and things like that (but books are out as he struggles to see them and I often gift him things like audiobooks for b-days etc. anyway, so not really special).I also wouldn't want to get "experience" type things for him in case he is not well enough to do them/they're more of a burden than a gift.Edit: Budget, say under about £75 via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/92u7zv/gift_for_dads_60th_birthday/?utm_source=ifttt
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