Wednesday, November 7, 2018

#gifts - #Gifts for FIL’s new home?

Hi! My FIL (who is a single man in his mid fifties) has recently moved houses and has invited my and my boyfriend over for this weekend.I want to bring a gift for his new home, but quite honestly, I’m at a loss of what to buy.I’m a rather poor student so my budget would be around $20-$25. Normally I’d buy nice flowers or something for their home (such as candles or a vase) but I feel like that’s all a bit too feminine for a fifty something guy that’s been divorced 3 times.My boyfriend mentioned he wants to do something with his garden but I feel like a gift card for a garden center would be lame and I don’t want to just buy a plant and hope he likes it.He’s very tech savvy but already owns things like Apple home, Sonos, etc so I don’t really want to add to that since he knows way more about that stuff than I do.Any advice is welcome! via /r/Gifts

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