Saturday, November 24, 2018

#gifts - #MIL passed away - thinking of Christmas gift for my sister in law

Little back story - been with my husband since 2011, married since 2016. I drew his sister this year for the annual gift exchange. She and I are very different personality wise - she is organized, loves to bake, and is very much a girls’ girl. She’s materialistic in that she likes beautiful and high quality things, whereas I am much more sentimental. I wouldn’t say it’s a negative quality, just trying to describe her personality.Right after my husband and I got married his mom passed away of rapid invasive cancer. She was in her early 60s and full of zest and spunk - just an old hippy. My sis-in-law misses her terribly (along with the rest of the family, of course) and she seems to be the one who has taken it the hardest. She’s the only girl, she had a really messy divorce, an unplanned pregnancy, etc.I have been known to write things and give them as gifts. For my husband one year I got him the essay version of our honeymoon adventures, wrote a friend basically the history of our friendship in a “father of the bride” style narration, etc. So this got me thinking...I would love to write my sis-in-law a letter from her mom as if she has been watching her this whole time and just encouraging her to keep going and working hard at raising her girls like she has continued to. I am worried this may be taken as completely none of my business and totally out bounds on my part. Am I over thinking it? Has anyone lost a family member who is close to them and can speak to whether or not this is way off base or could be well received?I also plan on getting her a gift that is within the recommended $150 limit like a usual gift exchange. I am not a barn animal. via /r/Gifts

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