This is going to sound very naive, but I'm struggling to find a Christmas present for my SO (M23). He recently told me that he doesn't want a material Christmas gift, and never wants material gifts, which is why he's frustrated at people buying him things.I grew up in a home where giving material gifts was the go to way to show affection, and still is. My mother always bought us small gadgets and gifts that were extremely personal to what we enjoyed and loved. I've picked up the same habit and get excited when I find something that matches the likes of someone I adore.My SO and I have been together for about a year and a half. Last year, I basically used up all of my good presents because I was really excited to have someone to gift to. Now this year, I'm in a complete rut because we live together, so I'm always giving him things and vice versa. A lot of my decisions in every day life have him in mind.He's a really big nerd and video game fan. He's constantly been talking about possibly buying a membership for an online game, but does buying that for him come off as a material gift? And there's a game that's been very important to his childhood (Kingdom Hearts) that I want to pre-order, but he has this thing where he tells me he already pre-ordered it, though I don't think he has? But that's material too. He's also very creative and is currently working on a ton of projects from app games, a card game, and multiple film projects. I'd like to be able to help him in some way with those, because they're very important to him right now, but I'm only a writing major and I have no idea where to start with that.He's also big into rap and music similar, but that's so far out of my league, we butt heads on it constantly because I don't understand the appeal. But he enjoys music producing.I think he wants to start streaming again, whether it's video games, or creating a podcast. I'd like to help start that if possible.We live together, so we already spend a lot of time together. He also has a majority of the money in our relationship, so creating a date night seems very difficult when he would always pay for them. And, what would make a date night in be unique when we already spend so much time doing menial things together?Christmas is a very important time to me and while not having a present for him in some form isn't the end of the world, I'd feel like I'm definitely failing in some aspect. I'd really appreciate any and all input, since I'm completely incompetent in this field. via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/9zgc27/nonmaterial_christmas_gift_ideas_for_so/?utm_source=ifttt
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