Monday, March 11, 2019

#gifts - #Donation gift - ethical company, where the money gets where it should be going.

It's my sister's birthday, and on several occasions over the past few months, I've heard her say - to me, and too others - that there is nothing she needs or wants, and she'd prefer to give a gift or donate to someone who needs it, than get one for herself.I actually thought i had an idea of what to get her this time until I thought I heard her say this!So I think I'd like to donate the money I would have spend on her, and donate it to a charity, but I am not sure what one.I know where are a lot of amazing charities out there, but I also know that there are a lot that are essentially business, with very little money going to the actual cause and a lot going throughout the company itself.I'd love to find a good one where as much of the money gets where it needs to, as it can.She's turning 38, we're in Australia. She is ill herself (although ok at the moment thankfully), she volunteers at a charity shop, she likes to put together Christmas boxes to be sent to children that don't have much (I think some go overseas, but not sure exactly where), and likes animals.Thanks! via /r/Gifts

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