My bf is graduating from residency next month. I think it's a pretty huge deal considering how much time and hard work he's put into everything for the past 8 years. So I want to get him something really nice. He's always talking about wanting an ipad pro, so I wanted to get one for him. I just dont know if the $1150 price tag is way too much (I know there are cheaper versions but he wants the same one I have). I've been cutting back and saving extra for the past 4 months and have the money set aside so I don't think i'm being financially irresponsible in buying it. I'm just worried he'll think it's too much, especially since we've only been dating just short of a year.I just know he won't buy one for himself for awhile since he has so much student debt to repay. And he'll spend money he does make on other people. He's just put in so much hard work, and I just really think he deserves something really nice to congratulate him for that.But now I'm worried it's too much for only being together about a year, and I don't want to put him in an uncomfortable situation. So what does everything think? Get it? Or find a less expensive gift? via /r/Gifts
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