The year before I turned 13, my Mom collected personal letters to me from family, family friends, and my school friends. It was basically a book of life advice, words of wisdom, and meaningful songs to guide me through my teen years into adulthood.I am very sentimental and still have the book, although I haven't look at it in years.Tomorrow, my SS turns 12!! I was telling DH about the gift my Mom made me, and commented that I should start thinking about creating one for SS.DH (who was raised very differently, doesn't have any close family bonds, and isn't very sentimental) said it was kind of a weird gift, and he doesn't think that SS would like/appreciate/care for it.My question - Would this be a weird gift for a teenage boy? How would have felt about this gift as a teen boy? As an adult, would this be a gift you would think back on and appreciate?To add: Custody is 50/50. I've been SM since he was three, and we have a good relationship. I do plan to include his BM and that part of his family, and would be happy for this to be a "parent gift" from his bios and steps. Also, I will absolutely make these for our young daughters. via /r/Gifts
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