Monday, November 11, 2019

#gifts - #Help neede. My dad is soon turning 64ish and is super hard to find gifts for!

So yeah, my dads birthday is coming up in december and I would love to give him something he will use.I dont want it to be clothes or anything in that category, cause the man has a very simple wardrobe.My dad is a man of habit and he has a very admirable slow living mentality. He's on early retirement and spends most of his day time being a volunteer, running the kitchen in a drop-in center. If he is not at the center, you'll find him in the garage, that's a 100. Don't matter if it's summer or winter. One thing I need to mention is my parents lives in a "Ghetto" better know as a concrete jungle. So he has a few close friends living very close by, that will through out the day stop by, have a chat and just hang around for a little bit.On the weekends he gets up around 8 and is out of the house latest 9 and just hangs out at the garage, goes on some walks and what not.As ya'll can tell, he lives life very sloooow and chill. I want to get him something he can use while chilling in the garage?tl;dr: Dad likes to hang in the garage most of his time, would like to find a gift he can use while chilling there. via /r/Gifts

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