Monday, November 18, 2019

#gifts - #Need a baby shower gift for a distant grandma

My wife and I are expecting our first child (a daughter) in January. Her parents live ~30 minutes away while my parents live ~5 hours away. Obviously, our daughter will be spending a lot more time at my in-law's house than my parent's, and my mother-in-law will be helping a lot when we both go back to work.At the upcoming baby shower we are giving my in-laws a gift basket of mostly useful things they will need. A diaper basket, diapers, wet wipes, newborn essentials medicine kit, a baby chew toy, and also a Grandma coffee mug and grandma keychain.We are having a lot of difficulty coming up with something to give my parents, though. With them being 5 hours away the baby won't be spending much time with them, and probably no time without my wife and/or I in the foreseeable future. They won't need any of the practical stuff we're getting for my in-laws because we'll always be bringing that whenever we visit. We'll get a mug and keychain, but that seems too little with the in-laws getting a whole gift basket.A note about the Baby Shower. We're having a less traditional one. We've rented a private room at a local brewpub, which will also be catering mostly finger food. We're inviting men as well as women, and a higher ratio of friends-to-family than is traditional. It will be less focused on games and watching my wife open presents and more on mingling and socializing. via /r/Gifts

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