Sunday, December 8, 2019

#gifts - #Need gift ideas for my boyfriend (19M)

Hi there! I'm seeking help from r/Gifts because frankly, I'm a bit awful at gift-giving. My heart's in the right place but I never know how to shop for people and/or what they would legitimately enjoy as a gift. Sure, there are joke gifts, but I want to give someone something that they will use and genuinely enjoy. Long story short, I need gift ideas for my boyfriend. He's a bit peculiar in that he has very specific tastes: car mod stuff, tech stuff, useful stuff, and video games. Being the perfectionist that I am, I want to give him something special that he will genuinely enjoy. He's told me before that if the gift isn't something that he particularly asked for he would feel bad for the gift giver, and I definitely don't want that to happen here. I'm looking for useful gifts that would please about anyone, preferably ones that show thought. Advice? via /r/Gifts

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